Power Love

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10 August 2011


Dear Alert Power Love Reader,
Hello! For the past few months, I've been lucky enough to be a part of an ensemble that's creating and will be performing a play for the Chicago Fringe Festival. I hope you can come out to see it. You can find out all info on the play itself, as well as how to buy tickets to our play and the festival on our website: http://www.themovingdayplay.com/home.htm.

Here are details:

All shows at The Dream Theatre
556 W. 18th Street

Thursday, September 1, 8:30pm
Saturday, September 3, 5:30pm
Monday, September 5, 4:00pm
Friday, September 9, 10:00pm
Saturday, September 10, 7:00pm

It will be epic, mostly because I will be on stage without pages in my hand and without a music stand in front of me, which is a drastic departure from my comfort zone and now my head hurts so I have to go sit down.