I checked the rules at NaBloPoMo, but I didn't see anything about posting a post to another post on another blog. Perhaps this is something that has yet to come up in NaBloPoMo land and maybe I should write and tell them this situation came up and suggest that they make up a rule or some sort of protocol for this predicament because here I am posting a post like I promised to do, every day for one whole month, but really what I'm doing is referring to another post on another blog. But the other blog is my blog, so really this is like two posts in one day, so does that give me a free day? If I get carpal tunnel sydrome sometime during the 15th day of posting every day, will I get a get out of blogging free card because today I am technically posting twice? You know, in the '50s, during those marathon dance-a-thons, the ones where the girls wore the poodle skirts and danced with guys like Fonzie, they always got a 15 minute break, didn't they? You know, to go rest on their T-Birds and drink their "sodas" and talk about Eisenhower? When do we get a break from blogging? Huh? Did anyone ever think about that? Are there just millions of bloggers everywhere, blogging mindlessly, with no rest whatsoever, because nothing was specified in the rules? Huh? You see where I'm going with this? WE NEED RULES, PEOPLE! WE NEED STRUCTURE! Oh, and also, the other direction I was going with this was: check out Cracked Black Pepper because I posted the story I read at the 2nd Story reading on the 29th.
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