Sunday's Itinerary:
1. Go to Jeff's and listen to his awesome story that was read ALOUD ON NPR BY A REAL LIVE ACTOR. Yes! NPR! That NPR! Jeff is a WRITER and a SERVER OF CHAMPAGNE.
[No picture was available of the champagne due to legal restrictions; no picture was available of the cheese, either, because it was soaked in red wine and it was so drunk it could barely stand. Drunk cheese--not pretty.]
2. Decide, after multiple servings of the aforementioned champagne and cheese, that a cheerleader pyramid is really the only way to celebrate the post-party moment. There is nothing that says STORY ON NPR than a cheerleader pyramid.
However, the cheerleader pyramid didn't quite materialize. But we did get a group picture wherein Danny is churning imaginary butter.
3. Eat food made out of cardboard and sculpted to look like potatoes.
4. Go to the NO TOUCHING launch party of the Danger Issue at Danny's. Take picture of Damen because what else are you going to do when you are running late for the reading that you are reading at?
5. Danny's: the before picture.
(Before Jeff went outside and proclaimed, "Hey! World! Kim Morris is reading 'Crash Stories' tonight!" Or else maybe he said, "Hey! World! Round of drinks on me!")
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