Power Love

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09 April 2008

OK, peeps—lots going on this weekend. It’s a top-notch writerly weekend and I strongly encourage all of you to attend the following events. All of you = the voices in my head, which have to be at these events since they’re in my head and my head has to come with me to storytellings. True story—I take my head with me wherever I go. Helps with the equilibrium. Also, with a head, people don’t look at you like they’re about to run screaming from the room. It’s, like, what did the headless horseman do at parties? That dude must’ve cleared the place out, right? Although, after a few party-clearing instances, he probably didn’t receive many invitations to subsequent parties, which may or may not have sucked, depending on the parties. Plus, without a head, you can’t eat or drink, and what’s a party without eating or drinking? Detention, that’s what.

But that’s just me. Maybe you like the non-eating, non-drinking parties with headless people and if so, hooray. I am not here to judge. I am here to cordially invite you to the following events:

1. Literally Sexy
Friday, April 11, 2008
10:30 pm
Victory Gardens Biograph Theater
2nd Story storytellers (among others) will be telling titillating tales
More info here.
2nd Story line-up here (scroll down a bit).

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Doors: 6:30pm
Stories: 7:30pm
More info here.